Vehicle accident simulation study
Vehicle accident simulation study

vehicle accident simulation study

The forensic medicine methods have a long tradition in the field of describing injuries to killed and injured persons and, in fact, no significant change thereof has occurred for a long time. It is not possible to solve the problem of accident and death rate without a complex analysis of all traffic accident aspects, including the assessment of the extent and type of injuries caused by traffic accidents. This definitely takes its toll on mankind, namely approximately 300 000 dead and 20 000 000 injured (Moser et al., 1999) in traffic accidents. According to several estimates, there is about one billion vehicles in use worldwide. The development of motorization on roads generally brings not only numerous advantages, but it also has its negatives. This, in combination with a video simulation of contacts with a pedestrian’s body during a collision and with values of physical parameters from simulation programs, makes it possible to significantly increase the value of evidence for the needs of the police and courts. The FORTIS system is a usable and universal means of supplementing verbal medical descriptions for the needs of traffic accident analysts with a scoring system of a high informative value. Previous practice has shown that the modified forensic system FORTIS, due to its capability to parametrize through localization using the PC Fortis © program, is an important tool to supplement verbal descriptions and localizations of injuries that have been used so far.

vehicle accident simulation study

We further proceeded in line with the complete autopsy findings in accordance with the requirements of the international classification of diseases. The evaluations were based on the investigation of circumstances, accompanying documentation, autopsy findings, photo documentation, and the results of additional expert examinations. This study includes the results of 250 traffic accidents and approximately 200 real accidents, as well as 255 simulations. In order to be able to make use of the presented options, it is necessary to obtain additional information about detected injuries from forensic doctors in a way utilizable for technical experts. Currently, simulation programs are used for a technical analysis of accidents including pedestrians as they provide a great amount of data on the physical parameters of the pedestrian’s body movement and its contacts with the vehicle or the road.

Vehicle accident simulation study